Why not just vet by opposing the candidate objectionable to all?

Vetting against an unacceptable candidate to all may be emotionally appealing and unify the groups in a negative way; however, it still doesn’t change the fact that someone will be elected anyway. If another can-didate emerges who is just as unacceptable as the first, there is no change to the underlying conduct of the new elected official in office. Since “none of the above” never appears on any ballot, patriot groups must offer a more positive type of voter guidance.

Even where there are a number of acceptable candidates, positive guidance is necessary to avoid the result of splitting the vote among them, thus assuring the ultimate election of the one candidate unacceptable to all. The best solution, therefore, is to endorse a single candidate that all patriot groups can support by con-sensus. The PVC is especially designed to help bring about this type of consensus-building effort.

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